The administrator of an open Guardianship case is required by Florida Statute to file several different reports with the Clerk of Court throughout the term of the Guardianship.

Initial Report

The Initial Guardianship Report, which includes a Verified Inventory and Guardianship Plan, must be filed within 60 days of the signing of the Letters of Guardianship.

Annual Report

The Annual Report includes an Annual Guardianship Plan and an Annual Accounting.

  1. The guardian of the person shall file an Annual Guardianship Plan within 90 days after the last day of the anniversary month that the Letters of Guardianship were signed, and the plan must cover the coming fiscal year.
  2. The guardian of the property shall file an Annual Accounting one year and three months after the beginning of the accounting period per statute, and the accounting must cover the preceding calendar year. The beginning of the accounting period is the date the Letters of Guardianship were signed.

Guardians of the person and property must adhere to the same annual reporting due dates.

The Court requires Annual Accountings to be filed on a fiscal-year basis unless otherwise ordered. Please contact our office should you have any questions regarding due dates.

You may also use our online Guardianship Due Date Calculator